Saturday, November 5, 2011

Black President Doesn't Mean Blacks Are Equal

In 2008, the citizens of the United States of America elected Barak Obama to be the 44th President of our Country. President Obama is the first non-White male President in our Country’s history. Many have said that this proves there is no longer racism and that everyone in America has the same opportunities. Barak Obama being elected President has given millions of young Black America children hope that any and everything is possible. At a time with our Country is sliding further into despair, giving our youth hope is a great thing. Unfortunately, I am not a kid anymore.

Call me a cynic, but more shocking that Barak Obama winning the Democratic nomination for the Presidency was Sarah Palin being selected as the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Republicans. President Obama attended the best (Harvard) and 4th (Columbia) ranked schools in the US in obtaining his undergraduate degree and law degree. He went on to teach constitutional law for twelve years at the 9th (University of Chicago) ranked school. With those qualifications, it was a no brainer that he would show up on the national political stage. Sarah Palin being selected as the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Republicans (and her resulting rise to fame) is not only surprising, but insulting. Sarah Palin attended 4 colleges (University of Idaho twice) before graduating. None of the colleges are ranked in the top 100 colleges and universities in the US. Obama taught constitutional law while Sarah Palin couldn’t even explain her position on Roe v. Wade.

I could go on discussing Palin vs. Obama, but you get the point. President Obama is by far the more qualified candidate. Yet the larger point is that Palin was chosen as the candidate for VP with her background. There is no way a Black woman in America would be selected as the candidate for VP with Palin’s resume. There is no way a Black grandmother at 44 years old would be selected for any federal position. I can see the anti-Black grandma campaign now, “How can we trust her to control the county, when she can’t even control her household.” Yet when it comes to Palin, the campaign reads “She is one of us”. When there is a Black woman (or man for that matter) with Palin’s resume selected as the VP candidate, then we can say America gives everyone the same opportunity.

