Monday, January 17, 2011

Be Passionate, Not a Fanatic

With a moniker like Granny Vendetta, you can tell that I am passionate about my blogs. Not only is Granny Vendetta my screen name, it was also my grandmother’s name. Since these blogs are about my views and not my background I won’t go into detail, but my grandmother actually changed her name to Vendetta.

Since President Obama has been in office, US politics have moved increasingly towards fanaticism. It is one thing to campaign passionately for your views, it is (or should be) completely unacceptable to intentionally mislead Americas particularly when many are willing to accept any story about the “Black” President. Because the President is Black, the Right has been able to generate passion and fanaticism with completely untrue stories. Obama is not America. Obama is Muslim. And of course my favorite, Obama is the Anti-Christ. Now these fanatics are moving beyond words to action. If you shoot a gun in the dark and it hits someone, you will be charged with at least manslaughter. Not because it was intentional, but because you should have known it “could” happen.

Can we really be surprised at the Arizona shooting of Rep. Giffords with the hate Limbaugh spouts over the airways? “I can’t trust the current government.” Those are the words of the shooter. Can we really be surprised those are his thoughts when candidates like Jan Brewer and Sharron Angle (who said someone should shoot her competition if she loses) are headliners for Republicans? An overt racist like Rand Paul can win the election because we have Sarah Palin inciting fear of a godless, weak, poor America caused by our Black Liberal President. Can someone please tell me how this is different than the videos we have all seen of Bin Laden speaking to his followers? I know the difference…Bin Laden would say he has a problem with President Obama because he is a Nigger. Limbaugh and others would never say that (at least in public); instead they say the problem is that Obama is a Non-American Muslim Socialist.




Acme said...

Interesting post - Unsoultied

unoffsatwnhist said...

You are so right

The Gap Man said...

If you enjoyed those, read the new posts