Thursday, July 24, 2008

Blacks & Barack

I grew up in New Jersey, a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. But, because I lived in NJ, I also enjoyed the Giants. That was until I attended Rutgers University and met Lenny P. Lenny was the most obnoxious Giants fan I ever met. He talked about the Giants so much that I no longer could stand to watch them. I mention this story because that is how I am starting to feel about Barack Obama.

I love Barack and what he stands for, but Black Americas are to Obama what Lenny P. was to the Giants. I am happy Black Americas are excited about politics, but we should not vote for a candidate solely because he is Black. Many Blacks act as though once Barack is elected President we will finally receive the 40 acres and a mule. However, racism does not instantly disappear because a Black person is elected President. Barack, as President, does not instantly stop Black-on-Black violence, nor does it automatically correct the poor education system plaguing our inner cities.

Barack will receive my vote, not because he would make history as the first Black President, but because I believe he is the best candidate…though I am proud the best candidate is Black. We should not hesitate to express our support for Barack. Black people, do not run from the question, “Are you going to vote for Barack”. You should be excited to discuss why he will receive your vote. Tell the questioner; Barack is intelligent enough to solve the social and economic problems the US currently faces. Tell the questioner; Barack is eloquent enough to use diplomatic means to resolve our global issues. Tell the questioner that because of this varied background Barack is able to relate to the issues faced by all races, the rich and poor. Just please, please, please don’t let your response be, “It is time America elected a minority or a woman”.

Barack will receive my vote, but this blog is not intended to influence your vote. It is my hope that this blog gets you to think for yourself, step outside the box, and step away from the crowd. With that said, whatever your reason for voting for Barack, if he wins, the best candidate would have won. I am no longer at Rutgers, so I didn’t have to hear Lenny when the Giants won the Super Bowl. I don’t think I will be so lucky when Barack wins the Presidency.



Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Religion & Politics-Introduction to GrannyVendetta

Are you logical or are you religious? Those terms seem to be mutually exclusive. We don’t believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, yet we continue to believe in an omni-present being who created the universe and has the ability to control each of our actions. Aside from the willingness to have FAITH in YAHWAY (the translated Hebrew term for God), what is the difference between a belief in GOD and Jolly Ol’ St. Nick?

We place $1 under our children’s pillow when they lose a tooth to give them comfort for a level of pain. That pain maybe physical or emotional, but it is simply to provide comfort in a time of need. How is that any different than religion; be it Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Throughout history, each was the spiritual basis of an oppressed people. Religion provided HOPE when their time on earth provided pain. It is only logical they would look to the afterlife for salvation. But as our children gain knowledge and reasoning skills, they realize the $1 was put under the pillow by their parent. As a society, when are we going to grow up and allow our LOGIC to prevail?

In a few months US citizens will vote for the most powerful person on the planet (I don’t believe the US President is the most powerful person on the planet, but that is for another blog) and religion and religious preference is a huge issue. People, you have to be kidding me!!! You are going to vote for the most powerful person on the planet based on a book that was written (for the sake of argument) 2000 years ago. The constitution was signed in 1776 and we need 26 amendments to correct it. Yet we place our faith, hope, leadership, and logic (or lack thereof) in multiple books, whose validity and facts are up for debate. We have to be smarter…oops, more logical than that.

