Sunday, November 2, 2008

Plea to America

A Black American stated that she didn’t trust Barack. She feels that Barack is using Black people to get elected President and then once elected he isn’t going to do anything to help Blacks. If you ready my earlier post, “Blacks & Barack”, you know I don’t believe that because you are Black you have to vote for Barack. That said, I was frustrated by how this person allowed the media to corrupt her mind. First, Barack hasn’t made any statements that could even be interpreted as “Pro-Black”. In fact, others have stated that he isn’t Black enough. I do believe that being Black has helped Barack with his “Change” campaign, but it is the media that has made Race an issue, not Barack. Second, Barack is one of the more liberal democrats and his past record indicates this fact. Most of his liberal policies benefit Blacks because there is large percentage of disadvantaged Blacks. It would be career suicide to attempt to enact legislation specifically for Black citizens. It wouldn’t get passed and he wouldn’t get re-elected to any political position. You cannot win a state or federal election with only the Black vote.

I need all Black American people to listen to me on this…we should vote for Barack because he is easily the most qualified candidate. Let’s take a look at the main reasons Republicans say Barack isn’t qualified: he is young and doesn’t have enough experience, he will sit down with world leaders that the previous President declared our enemies, and he is taking money from hardworking Americans and giving it to the poor.

The two most significant Presidents since WWII are JKF and Reagan. JFK was the youngest President in history and Reagan was the oldest. JFK was a Democrat and Reagan was a Republican. Both were significant because they had a huge impact on the world when the US was in crisis. JFK avoided global war by being smart and thinking logically during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Reagan won the Cold War by being smart and thinking logically. Though it was called the Cold War and Missile Crisis, we did not go to war or fire a missile. Reagan, the greatest Republican President maybe ever, decided against war and he sat down with the Russian President. The worse President in history, George W. Bush, went to war and refused to communicate with anyone who didn’t see the world through his eyes. Being young, smart, and logical beats age and stupidity all the time.

Barack will sit down with world leaders that the previous President declared our enemies…see above.

Barack is a modern day Robin Hood. I am a Republican at heart, but I declared Independent. This is because the Republican Party stood for small government, freedom of speech, and right to privacy. That is not what the current Republican Party represents. With today’s candidates only concerned about winning, there is little chance this will happen…sorry, back to the point. I am a capitalist and in principle I am against increasing taxes. The country is in debt several trillions of dollars, and we just approved a $700million bailout package (which I was against). It is already approved, so it has to be funded. Increasing the taxes of the 1.5% of Americas who can afford it as well as corporations is the most logical and effective way of accomplishing this. Republicans, who are far better at political strategy then Democrats, lead people to believe they will be impacted by Barack’s proposed tax increase. If you are one of the 98.5% of Americans who make less than $250K per year, you will benefit most from Barack’s economic plan.

I started with a plea to Black America. I finish it with a statement to all Americans. I am going to vote for Barack because of the reasons I stated above. I want Barack to win because I believe he is the best candidate. Even more than my desire for Barack to win, I want everyone to think for themselves. Don’t vote along party lines. Don’t allow entertainers to sway your vote. Don’t listen to Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Sean Hannity, or Bill O’Reilly. Don’t listen to your pastor. Don’t listen to “Joe the Plummer”. Don’t vote on emotion or fear. Use your head, think logically. For better or worse, this will be the most important election since Abraham Lincoln’s re-election.

